St. Francis Seminary
Community Catholic Church of Canada

Funeral Training Course

Leading a celebration of someone's life is a profoundly important ministry.
Funeral officiants:
- Offer comfort and support to a grieving family
- Present a service that captures the essense of the deceased
- Assist in the healing process through their words and presence
In this 3-hour presentation we will explore:
- Your own understandings of death and how it is informed by your belief system
- How to work with grieving families
- How to work with funeral homes
- What to ask to prepare for the funeral service
- Some basic funeral service outlines
Wednesday February 12th,
7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
We gather online on Zoom.
Cost for the training is $100. You'll receive the notes in an e-manual form and the Zoom link a few days ahead of the course.
Payment can be made via etransfer or paypal.
Call Bishop Deb at 905-468-9502 or email money transfers and questions to communitycatholic@bell.net
Pay online with Paypal $100
a small processing fee applies